Digital Addiction is increasing.

Doctors all over the world are becoming more attentive regarding this, rapid increasing, societal issue of digital addiction.

What is Digital Addiction?

Digital addiction refers to an obsessive dependence on digital devices and online activities, which can lead to significant disruptions in daily life, relationships, and mental health. It manifests in various forms, such as excessive social media use, gaming, or constant checking of emails and notifications. Symptoms may include anxiety when separated from devices, neglect of responsibilities, and withdrawal from real-life interactions. This compulsive behavior can impact productivity, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life, prompting individuals to seek balance and healthier digital habits.

How we can adapt positive changes?

In order to change the level of dependence we have, as a society, regarding digital media is by implementing control, balance and healthy mindfulness mechanisms. If not, it could mean we become so reliant that we fail to adapt interrelationships.

I believe that we need more emotional regulation techniques and media training in regards to modern day technology - deep down we all want fulfilling relationships - we want to procreate. Find a healthy substitute and balance.

It isn’t about how you need to change - in a way that fits you. It is about asking Why are you spending so much time on social media? Is it to regulate your emotions? What is your motivation?

Peace Of Minds

For the Mind, Body & Soul.

Peace Of Minds is a safe space to feel, learn and connect. It is a brand that focuses on mindfulness whilst encouraging work- life balance and living life with filled with passion and purpose.

Hoping you become a part of a community that inspires you to feel empowered by self-care, faith and wellness.

“A tear from a man: a self-discovery poem.” Written by D.A


Find the courage to break free